「英倫搖滾天團」酷玩樂團Coldplay在今年5月推出最新單曲《超能量 Higher Power》之後,驚喜宣告今年10月15日將公開樂團備受期待的第9張原創作品《星際漫遊 Music Of The Spheres》。其中一首歌更是與韓國天團防彈少年 BTS 合作:My Universe,歌詞包含英文與韓文,9月30上傳YouTube 短短5天,觀看數已超過3千8萬次,超過5百萬人按讚,可見強強聯手魅力之大,也讓這張即將於10/15日發行的《星際漫遊 Music Of The Spheres》專輯更增話題,這篇要來分享 英倫天團Coldplay與韓國天團 BTS 同合作的歌曲:My Universe,同時分享歌單、MV與歌詞。


My Universe 歌詞

You, you are my universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are my universe, and I
In the night, I lie and look up at you
When the morning comes, I watch you rise
There's a paradise they couldn't capture
That bright infinity inside your eyes
매일 밤 네게 날아가 (가)
꿈이란 것도 잊은 채
나 웃으며 너를 만나 (나)
Never ending forever, baby
You, you are my universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are my universe
And you make my world light up inside
어둠이 내겐 더 편했었지
길어진 그림자 속에서 (eyes)
And they said that we can't be together
Because, because we come from different sides
You, you are my universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are my universe
And you make my world light up inside
My universe (doo-doo, doo-doo)
My universe (doo-doo, doo-doo)
My universe (doo-doo, doo-doo)
You make my world
You make my world light up inside
You make my world light up inside
나를 밝혀주는 건
너란 사랑으로 수 놓아진 별
내 우주의 넌
또 다른 세상을 만들어 주는 걸
너는 내 별이자 나의 우주니까
지금 이 시련도 결국엔 잠시니까
너는 언제까지나 지금처럼 밝게만 빛나줘
우리는 너를 따라 이 긴 밤을 수놓을 거야
너와 함께 날아가 (가)
When I'm without you, I'm crazy
자 어서 내 손을 잡아 (아)
We are made of each other, baby
You, you are my universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are my universe
And you make my world light up inside
My universe (you, you are)
My universe (I just want)
My universe (you, you are my universe, and I)
My universe
另外,歌詞版MV 也幫大家準備好了:




此外,Coldplay日前於社群網站公開一份手稿宣告新專輯即將發行,並同時於官方YouTube頻道公開專輯預告影片〈Overtura〉,短短1分54秒的影片不僅透過動畫具體呈現此次專輯所描繪的世界觀,更精華濃縮專輯12首曲目讓歌迷一聽為快。而社群網站所公開的手稿中,吸睛的字眼「Everyone is an alien somewhere」也彷彿預告將有更多科幻主題將陸續揭曉。



今年5月,Coldplay推出最新專輯《Music Of The Spheres》的首支單曲《Higher Power》,至今已突破1.6億串流聆聽量。全新專輯《Music Of The Spheres》特別請到曾為泰勒絲Taylor Swift、凱蒂佩芮Katy Perry、威肯The Weeknd等人打造全美排行冠軍曲的金曲製作人Max Martin與Coldplay成員共同操刀監製,打造出Coldplay音樂旅程的全新篇章。10月15日,邀請你和Coldplay一起乘著音符、漫遊星際!

星際漫遊Music Of The Spheres

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